Information published under Article 29 and Article 30 of TAR NC
NC |
Description |
Link |
Further information |
Information to be published before the annual yearly capacity auction |
Art. 29 (a) |
Information for standard capacity products for firm capacity (reserve prices, multipliers, seasonal factors, etc.) |
Art. 29 (b) |
Information for standard capacity products for interruptible capacity (reserve prices and an assessment of the propability of interruption) |
Information to be published before the tariff period (relevant for the period beginning on 01 January 2025) |
Art. 30 |
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system |
Art. 30 |
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system |
Art. 30 |
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system |
Art. 30 |
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system |
Art. 30 |
Information on parameters used in the applied reference price methodology related to the technical characteristics of the transmission system |
Art. 30 |
Information on the allowed and/or target revenue |
Art. 30 |
Information related to changes in the revenue |
Art. 30 |
Information related the following Parameters: types of assets, cost of capital, capital and operational expenditures, incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets, inflation indices |
Art. 30 |
Information on the transmission services revenue including capacity-commodity split, entry-exit split and intra-system/cross-system split |
Art. 30 |
Information related to the previous tariff period regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account |
Art. 30 |
Information on the intended use of the auction premium |
Art. 30 |
Information on transmission and non-transmission tariffs accompanied by the relevant information related to their derivation |
Art. 30 |
Information on transmission tariff changes and trends |
Art. 30 |
Information about the used tariff model and an explanation how to calculate the transmission tariffs applicable for the prevailing tariff period |
Information regarding the responses received during the final consultation and their summary within the meaning of Article 26 (3) of TAR NC.
(The document is available only in Slovak)