Legal Compliance
To comply with the legal requirements for unbundling, EUSTREAM has prepared and implemented a Compliance Programme in conformity with Article 58(1)(a) of Act No 251/2012 of 31 July 2012 on energy and on amendments to certain laws, as amended.
The Programme defines, in particular, the following:
- Measures to ensure non-discriminatory conduct on the part of the transmission system operator.
- Specific obligations of the transmission system operator’s employees in relation to attaining the purpose of the Compliance Program.
The transmission system operator submitted the draft Compliance Program for approval to the Regulatory Office for Network Industries, and the Programme was approved and came into force on 18 June 2013. EUSTREAM then took all steps needed to ensure adherence to the Compliance Program and to monitor its fulfilment. The fulfilment of the Compliance Program is supervised by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries.
EUSTREAM publishes a report each year on the implementation of the measures outlined in the Compliance Program. The report forms an integral part of EUSTREAM’s Annual Report.