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Additional transmission capacities to Ukraine

In reaction to the recently announced maintenance of UA TSO, with respect to UA Entry capacities from Budince Entry/Exit point and in line with our previous statements, Eustream decided to offer capacity at Exit point Veľké Kapušany. Capacity will be offered for the time period from 1st July 2020 to 1st October 2020, in the amount of 60 mcm/d. Please note that capacity at Exit point Veľké Kapušany is fully interruptible and dependent on the physical flow from Ukraine to Slovakia.

In reaction to the recently announced maintenance of UA TSO, with respect to UA Entry capacities from Budince Entry/Exit point and in line with our previous statements, Eustream decided to offer capacity at Exit point Veľké Kapušany. Capacity will be offered for the time period from 1st July 2020 to 1st October 2020, in the amount of 60 mcm/d. Please note that capacity at Exit point Veľké Kapušany is fully interruptible and dependent on the physical flow from Ukraine to Slovakia.

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