HUSKAT Alternative Allocation Procedure - Bid submission window III.
Companies Magyar Gáz Tranzti ZRt. (MGT), eustream a.s. (Eustream) and Gas Connect Austria GmbH (GCA) hereby would like to inform participants that due to the execution of the step back right the call for Bid submission III. is now open, according to the Rulebook of the HU-SK-AT Alternative Allocation Procedure.
Dear Business Partners,companies Magyar Gáz Tranzti ZRt. (MGT), eustream a.s. (Eustream) and Gas Connect Austria GmbH (GCA) hereby would like to inform participants that due to the execution of the step back right the call for Bid submission III. is now open, according to the Rulebook of the HU-SK-AT Alternative Allocation Procedure. Those Bidders who submitted Bids in Bid submission window I/II and capacity were not allocated/partly allocated to them (Non allocated Bidders) may submit new Bids for the remaining available capacity to the TSOs.
The Bid submission window III. is open from 5th April to17th April 2019. The results of the Bid submission window III. will be published on 18th April 2019.All News