HUSKAT Bid submission window I - results
Magyar Gáz Tranzti Zrt. (MGT) , eustream a.s. (Eustream) and Gas Connect Austria (GCA) would like to thank participants for the active participation an submitted Bids in the first bidding round of the HUSK-AT Alternative Allocation Procedure.
Magyar Gáz Tranzti Zrt.( MGT) , eustream a.s. ( Eustream) and Gas Connect Austria (GCA) would like to thank participants for the active participation an submitted Bids in the first bidding round of the HUSK-AT Alternative Allocation Procedure.
At Balassagyarmat – Velké Zlievce Interconnection Point (BGY/VZ IP) the majority of submitted binding capacity demand was for the length of 7 years period, with around 50% level of the offered capacity level (Level II). The capacity demand in the Slovak part of the HUSKAT project did not reach the level for the positive result of the economic test which is required for bundled capacity allocation at the BGY/VZ IP and Baumgarten IP.
In order to reach both the positive economic test on the Slovak side and the positive economic test for the offer level II. on the Hungarian side, if market demand requires offer level II., herewith MGT, Eustream and GCA invite the Bidders to the second Bid submission window which will be conducted from 06 October till 19 October 2018.
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At Balassagyarmat – Velké Zlievce Interconnection Point (BGY/VZ IP) the majority of submitted binding capacity demand was for the length of 7 years period, with around 50% level of the offered capacity level (Level II). The capacity demand in the Slovak part of the HUSKAT project did not reach the level for the positive result of the economic test which is required for bundled capacity allocation at the BGY/VZ IP and Baumgarten IP.
In order to reach both the positive economic test on the Slovak side and the positive economic test for the offer level II. on the Hungarian side, if market demand requires offer level II., herewith MGT, Eustream and GCA invite the Bidders to the second Bid submission window which will be conducted from 06 October till 19 October 2018.