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HUSKAT Capacity booking announcement

Company rustream, a.s. announces the possibility to book capacities at interconnection points Veľké Zlievce/ Balassagyarmat (the border HU/SK) and Baumgarten (the border SK/AT)

Dear business partner,

the Regulatory Office for Network Industries, in accordance with the Article 28 (2) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013, issued the Decision No. 0001/2018/P-EU dated on July 27, by means of which the implementation of the principles for alternative allocation mechanisms at interconnection points Veľké Zlievce/ Balassagyarmat and Baumgarten for eustream, a.s., has been approved.

Based on this fact and also in accordance with the Article 28 (3) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 the company eustream, a.s. announces the possibility to book capacities at interconnection points Veľké Zlievce/ Balassagyarmat (the border HU/SK) and Baumgarten (the border SK/AT) by means of alternative allocation mechanisms of capacities (hereinafter as “ the project HUSKAT”) in line with conditions specified in the document RULEBOOK - BINDING ALTERNATIVE ALLOCATION PROCEDURE.

All necessary information, relating to the project HUSKAT, is available at the following address.

Registration of participants, who are interested in taking part in the project HUSKAT booking capacities by course of alternative allocation mechanisms, will go on from July 30, 2018 till August 14, 2018 in line with conditions specified in the document RULEBOOK - BINDING ALTERNATIVE ALLOCATION PROCEDURE.

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