Transit network of natural gas with new turbo compressors
BRATISLAVA, December 3, 2007 – Two new turbo compressors will be added up to the international transit network of natural gas in Slovakia for the compressor station Veľké Kapušany. Supplier of these installations is, based on the results of the international tender, Italian company Nuovo Pignone. Putting into service the new turbo compressors further continues to increase the reliability of international transit of natural gas.
The purchase and installation of two new turbo compressors with the capacity of 30 Megawatts for the compressor station of a transit pipeline in Veľké Kapušany belongs to exceptionally important projects to increase quality of a transit network operated by the company SPP - preprava a. s. The total investment costs for the new machines, the construction of a new twin hall for the equipment and respective pipes within the compressor station reach around EUR 60 million (circa 2 billion SKK).The international tender for the supply of two turbo compressor units was announced by SPP a. s. at the end of 2006 in line with the Public Procurement Act. The winner of the tender was one of the leading manufacturers of turbo compressors in the world – the company Nuovo Pignone, member of the GE group (General Electric). SPP- preprava a. s., plans to launch the new equipment into operation until the end of October 2009. ”Putting into operation of the new turbo compressors shall increase the reliability of the international transit of natural gas and in the same time, the most recent technology enables further improvement of the state of the environment“, Andreas Rau, chairman of the BoD of the company SPP - preprava a. s., said.
SPP – preprava a. s. is the largest carrier of natural gas in the European Union today and this year the international transmission of natural gas through the Slovak territory will commemorate its 35th anniversary since being put into service. During 35 years of existence of transit, approximately 1.9 trillion m3 of natural gas were transported through Slovakia. The capacity of the transmission network is more than 90 billion cubic metres. The said volume represents roughly twenty percent of the annual consumption of the European Union.
The company SPP – preprava a. s. (100 % subsidiary of SPP a. s.) launched its independent operation due to legal unbundling of transit activities from the parent company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a. s. on 1 July 2006. (www.spp-preprava.sk)
Nuovo Pignone is one of the leading world industrial suppliers of turbo compressors, compressors, pumps, static equipment and measuring systems. The company belongs to the group GE Oil & Gas, which offers a large portfolio of highly reliable machines of Nuovo Pignone for all segments of the oil and gas industry with a global base of more than 20,000 units, from manufacturing, through transportation and processing to the final products. Nuovo Pignone guarantees to provide its customers with the highest level of quality. This guarantee springs from a system of quality management, which is part of the GE Six Sigma methodology with quality standards ISO 9001. (www.geenergy.com)
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