EN / Transparency / Public Consultations / Consultation on the adjustment proposals of the Operational Order

Consultation on the adjustment proposals of the Operational Order

Adjustments proposal of the document „Operational order of eustream,a.s. as a transmission system operator laying down commercial conditions for access to the transmission network and gas transmission and for connection to the transmission network“ is drawn up in accordance with obligations of the transmission system operator according to § 15 para. 6 of Act no. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation in Network Industries.

Pursuant to §19a para. 1 in connection with § 19a para. 2 of Act No. 251/2012 Coll. on Energy and on amendments to certain laws is presented by eustream, a.s. the relevant draft of adjustments for consultation HERE.

Consultation procedure opening date:   16th September 2024
Consultation procedure closing date:     30th September 2024 till 10AM

Comments on the proposed adjustments shall be sent either in Slovak or in English to the correspondence address: prevadzkovyporiadok@eustream.sk