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Eustream signs Memorandum with Ukrtransgaz in attendance of top representatives of Slovakia and the European Union.


Eustream and Ukrtransgaz agreed on signing of the Memorandum and examine ways of speeding up launching the Vojany pipeline

Representatives of Eustream discussed in Kiev on 25. April with partners from Naftogaz and Ukrtransgaz on the technical aspects of the implementation of reverse gas supplies from Slovakia to Ukraine . Eustream repeatedly pointed out the fact, that use of the Vojany - Uzhgorod gas pipeline (the little reverse ) is at the moment the best possible solution from the technical, time and legal nature.


Representatives of Eustream, Ukrtransgaz and the European Commission express interest in signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Monday

The tripartite negotiations between Slovakia, Ukraine and the European Commission in Bratislava on 24 April showed that all three parties had an interest in launching the reverse flow of gas supplies to Ukraine as soon as possible.


Eustream offers Ukrainian partner assistance with reverse flow of gas supplies

On 15 April 2014, at the compressor station in Veľké Kapušany, top representatives of the company Eustream met with their colleagues from Ukrainian operator Ukrtransgaz. They discussed the technical solutions concerning reverse flow of gas supplies to Ukraine in the attendance also of Slovak Minister of Economy Tomáš Malatinský, Ukrainian Minister for Energy Yuriy Prodan and European Commission senior official Klaus-Dieter Borchardt.


Eustream continuing in negotiations on implementing the reverse flow to Ukraine

The representatives of Eustream and Ukrtransgaz will meet tomorrow in Veľké Kapušany. The meeting will be also attended by the representatives of the European Commission, the Slovak Minister of Economy and the Ukrainian Energy Minister.