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Eustream – A New Name for the Gas Highway to Europe

Bratislava, 29th April 2008 – On January 1st 2008, SPP preprava a. s. changed its name to eustream a. s. The company reported today that the transported volumes of gas in 2007 amounted to 72.8 bln m3, representing 1/7th of the total gas consumption in the European Union. Eustream thus underlines its position as one of the biggest gas transmission system operators in the EU.


Transit network of natural gas with new turbo compressors

BRATISLAVA, December 3, 2007 – Two new turbo compressors will be added up to the international transit network of natural gas in Slovakia for the compressor station Veľké Kapušany. Supplier of these installations is, based on the results of the international tender, Italian company Nuovo Pignone. Putting into service the new turbo compressors further continues to increase the reliability of international transit of natural gas.