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Eustream announces temporarily increase of the interruptible capacity at the exit point Budince

Eustream announces the increased interruptible capacity at exit Budince interconnection point, in order to satisfy market demand for respective capacity. Eustream provides additional pipeline capacity of 30,000 MWh per day for the period of the first quarter 2017 (01.01. - 31.03.2017).


Eustream applied for EC grants to co-finance SK-PL interconnection and Eastring

Eustream submitted two separate applications for European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grants to co-finance construction works of the SK-PL interconnection and the feasibility study for Eastring pipeline


Balkan Gas Hub will coordinate with Eastring pipeline

Bulgartransgaz and Eustream have signed MoU to deepen cooperation in developing major gas infrastructure projects


Eustream and Gaz-System prepares Open Season for PL-SK interconnection

Slovak transmission system operator Eustream and its Polish counterpart Gaz-System prepare binding Open Season Procedure for planned Poland – Slovakia gas interconnection. The aim of the Open Season with expected launch at late July/beginning August will be to allocate and sell respective transmission capacities of the planned pipeline. At the present time, the preparation of the Rules of Open Season are being finished, its final reading will be published in due time.


Eustream's statement to discussion with Gazprom on implications of Nord Stream II project

Gazprom and Eustream have discussed the potential implications of Nord Stream II project on the gas flow through central corridor and central Europe. Eustream welcomes the assurance from Gazprom that Slovak gas transmission system as well as the Czech gas transmission system will be used in long term even if Nord Stream II is built. Eustream also highly appreciates the understanding between both parties that the entry point from Ukraine to Slovakia shall remain fully functional even if Nord Stream II is commissioned.