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Pilot Project of Bundled Transmission Capacity Reservation Auctions with NET4GAS, s.r.o.

Eustream, a.s. and NET4GAS, s.r.o. offer firm bundled transmission capacity at Lanžhot border point.


Prolongation of the Open Season procedure for the SK-HU Interconnector

Based on market requirements Eustream and Magyar Gáz Tranzit ZRt. prolong the Open Season procedure for the Slovak-Hungarian Interconnector in which interested parties may register and submit binding bids for the transmission capacity. New time schedule is updated in the Open Season Rules.


Eustream announces Open Season procedure for the SK-HU Interconnector

Eustream in the cooperation with Magyar Gáz Transit (MGT) announces the Open Season procedure for the capacity at the Slovak-Hungarian Interconnector, in order to offer the capacity in a transparent and non-discriminatory way. Eustream and MGT are offering the firm capatiy 114000 MWh/d in SK-HU direction and the interruptible capacity 45600 MWh/d in HU-SK direction.


Meeting of the representatives of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and eustream a.s. to discuss the most important activities in the PL-SK interconnection project

A meeting was held on 10 April 2015 in Veľké Kapušany in Slovakia between the representatives of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and eustream a.s., the Slovakian transmission system operator.


Test period for the SK-HU Interconnection - time limited offer of capacities

Eustream would like to inform about time limited test phase of the Slovak-Hungarian interconnection. In cooperation with Magyar Gáz Tranzit ZRt. and for the purpose of testing the partners offer gas transmission capacities at the Slovak - Hungarian Interconnector Veľké Zlievce (SK) – Balassagyarmat (HU) from the 10th of March till the 30th of April 2015.