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Additional transmission capacities to Ukraine

Eustream offers an additional interruptible capacity at the exit point Budince in amount of 30 000 MWh/d until the end of the year 2020, and interruptible capacity in amount of 72 800 MWh/d at the exit point Velke Kapusany for July 2020. In case of allocation of the capacities at the exit point Velke Kapusany, Eustream considers to offer the interruptible capacity at the exit Velke Kapusany on a monthly basis also in a subsequent period.


HUSK Capacity booking announcement - UPDATE 1 June 2020

Eustream hereby informs about the postponement of the deadline for the Customer Registration for the HUSK project at Eustream as defined in the Rulebook from 9 June 2020 to 6 July 2020, 8:00 a.m.. The same postponement also applies for the Confirmation of Customer Registration by Eustream meaning that the deadline for the confirmation is 6 July, 2020, 8:00 a.m.


HUSK Capacity booking announcement

Eustream hereby informs about the postponement of the deadline for the Customer Registration for the HUSK project at Eustream as defined in the Rulebook from 9 June 2020 to 6 July 2020, 8:00 a.m. The same postponement also applies for the Confirmation of Customer Registration by Eustream meaning that the deadline for the confirmation is 6 July, 2020, 8:00 a.m.


Update of the Operational Order - Bi-directional capacity SK-UA

Regulatory Office for Network Industries approved the updated version of the Operational Order of eustream, a.s. including new additional service „Bi-directional capacity SK-UA“.


LLC “Gas TSO of Ukraine” and Eustream a.s. is launching virtual reverse flow on IP Velke Kapusany / Uzhgorod starting from 1st of March 2020

In addition to the transmission capacities at IP Budince by means of which the Ukrainian gas market has been supplied since 2014, Eustream and Gas TSO of Ukraine, based on the signed interconnection agreement for IP Velke Kapusany / Uzhgorod is launching virtual reverse flow capacities (so called “backhaul”) at IP Velke Kapusany / Uzhgorod to the market, thus further enhancing Slovak corridor for gas supplies to Ukraine.